Friday, 21 January 2011

Pirate Party General Assembly Announced

Readers interested in all aspects and all sides of copyright may find a frolic to Germany an amusing way to spend the pre-Ides of March weekend. The Pirate Party International has announced that its General Assembly will be taking place in Friedrichshafen in a few months.

The General Assembly meeting’s main events include:

  • Electing a new board, apply here
  • Discussions of amendments to the PPI statutes, submit proposals here
  • Decisions on new members

There will also be an Open Space workshop: 

“Open Space Technology is a powerful tool that allows [sic] to handle the most complex matters with the ease of a coffee break, and will allow us to take a glance at the future of the PPI.

We'll open a space where you'll work with other pirates to identify and address the most important issues in your work, your organization and your community. Come prepared with your own burning questions and pressing needs... and be ready to address them in a dynamic, high-learning environment.”

Non-members are welcome to attend as guests and each member can register up to six official delegates.  If think it would be much more interesting to have a six-way split personality than just be yourself, you can apply for membership here.

If any 1709 readers attend the conference, we would love to hear from you after the event.


Location: Messehalle Friedrichshafen, Friedrichshafen, Deutschland [As this is in the very southern part of Germany, attendees might have some trouble pulling their boats into town.]

Dates: 11 – 13 March 2011 (Friday, Saturday and Sunday)

Cost: Early Reg: 35 Euros, after 13th February 50 Euros


More info: visit or contact

1 comment:

  1. This would be the conference in controvosy? Since there are questions over the motivation of the 'board' in selecting a location that costs a fortune, and is very close to the leaders (especially when one of the leaders is running for election a week later, having lots of supporters around wouldn't hurt...)

    Also, the rules of these have said it's not to be hosted in a country that's hosted one before (Germany hosted one winter of 07) and it was agreed last time to not host in the EU.

    This location was picked to benefit the Chairmen and no-one else.
