Friday 4 December 2009

The £100,00 jackpot -- have you received it, or do you know someone who has?

On Wednesday the IPKat weblog ran a short note on Copywatch's offers of up to £100,000 for anyone who blows the whistle on workplace copyright infringements, asking if any readers knew of actual pay-outs. No-one has come forward with details of any payments, so I'm asking the 1709 Blog's more specialist copyright-based readership if it can do what the IPKat's readers can't.

Meanwhile, I received this communication from one reader who opted for discreet anonymity:
"I don't have any examples of payouts to informers. But some years back the Newspaper Licensing Agency used to "name and shame" people who were said to have infringed copyright in newspapers (click here, then on the "law on copyright" link at the bottom of the page which lists companies making payouts for copying activities, even though they weren't court cases).

The list once had a number of higher profile names on it - namely each of the main political parties (for which click here and then again on "law on copyright")".

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