Thursday 5 July 2018

BREAKING NEWS - EU Copyright Reforms Stalled

European MEPs who voted on the Copyright Directive in Strasbourg today have failed (by a small majority) to move the legislative process forwards whereby the European Union Council, Commission and Parliament could have negotiated a final text for passage into law. The vote was close, with 278 in favour, 318 against and 31 abstentions. The outcome rejects the earlier Legal Committee decision to approve the draft law, which will now be sent back to parliament for further discussion.

The battle to update the EU’s copyright laws, the first since 2001, has sparked fierce lobbying from opponents to the  led by internet giants such as Google and free speech advocates (see our previous post), with the backing of celebrities such as Stephen Fry and Tim Berners-Lee, and those in favour of the plans such as film companies and record labels and artistes who included the former Beatle, sir Paul McCartney and James Blunt.

The cultural and creative sectors, and rights owners will be more than disappointed. Anders Lassen, president of the European Grouping of Societies of Authors and Composers who backed the rule changes, said the vote was a “missed opportunity”, and PRS for Music’s Chief Executive, Robert Ashcroft said this

 “It is perhaps unsurprising considering the unprecedented level of lobbying and the comprehensive campaign of misinformation which has accompanied this vote that MEPs want more time to consider the proposals. The vote showed that many MEPs across the various European political parties understand the importance of fixing the transfer of value and of a well-functioning market for copyright. We appreciate their support and hope that as we move forward to the Plenary debate in September, more MEPs will recognise the unique opportunity to secure the EU’s creative industries.

“From the outset our primary focus of this legislation has been concerned with whether or not the internet functions as a fair and efficient marketplace – and currently, for artists and authors, it doesn’t. They want their creative works to be heard, they embrace technology, but they want to be paid fairly. We will continue to fight for what we believe is their freedom and a fair use of their creative works.”

MEPs will now have to go back to the drawing board this summer before the proposals are voted on again in September.


  1. "the internet functions as a fair and efficient marketplace"

    That is everything thats wrong with this proposal.

    The internet is foremost a communication medium, a law that try to make it a marketplace will get everybody communicating in the internet against it.

  2. Unprecedented level of lobbying? At least it was done openly and in full view of all participants, stakeholders and citizens. So what if MEPS had to switch off their phones.

    Contrast it with the secret meetings over two years by the rightsholders -IFPI and the publishers- to get this into the proposal in the first place.To sacrifice even one aspect of freedom of expression on one occasion for one person just to line their pockets with even more money. The spectre of ACTA...
