update the rights and protections of copyright owners to better address the
challenges and opportunities of the Internet, so as to be in line with international
(b) clarify
Internet service providers' liability and make the enabling of online copyright
infringement itself an infringement of copyright;
(c) permit
businesses, educators and libraries to make greater use of copyright material
in digital form;
(d) allow
educators and students to make greater use of copyright material;
(e) permit
certain uses of copyright material by consumers;
(f) give
photographers the same rights as other creators;
(g) ensure
that it remains technologically neutral; and
(h) mandate
its review by Parliament every five years."
Most of the bill will come into force next week, including fair
dealing reform, new consumer exceptions, caps on statutory damages for
non-commercial infringement, a user generated content provision, and digital
lock rules, however it has been noted that the
much debated "notice-and-notice" rules for ISPs that were intended to
be enacted at the same time as the rest of the bill will be delayed.

The proposed "notice-and-notice" regime will require
ISPs to forward any notice of infringement they receive from copyright owners
to the subscriber in question. Canadians are friendly people, and many of them
were concerned that a stronger "notice-and-takedown" regime (favoured
by so many other countries) requiring ISPs to block access to material upon
receipt of a notice from a rights holder alleging infringement, "could create
incentives for ISPs to remove content without warning or evidence of actual
infringement, which can potentially lead to a stifling of free expression"
(see here).
Others however have said
that a "notice-and-takedown" system "is required to
effectively deal with operators of pirate sites that infringe content on a
substantial scale and to deal promptly with time-sensitive postings." The
Industry Canada website argues that a "notice and takedown" regime
would be ineffective in preventing peer-to-peer file sharing, as it "typically
applies only to material posted on websites. It is not well suited to files
shared on peer-to-peer networks, the most prevalent source of infringing
material, since the files are actually located on the computers of the persons
engaged in sharing."
Support has also been expressed for some form of graduated
response regime (such as a "three-strikes" approach).
Despite these concerns the Canadian government settled on the
"notice-and-notice" approach, which is favoured by ISPs, educational
institutions and consumer groups and which is already being voluntarily used.
The Canadian government has said that:
"This approach to addressing online infringement is unique to Canada. It
provides copyright owners with the tools to enforce their rights while
respecting the interests and freedoms of users."
Implementation of these provisions has however been the subject of
unseen lobbying over issues such as the fees for processing notices and the
retention of subscriber information. So despite everything, the uniquely
Canadian "notice-and-notice" provisions will not come into force next
week with the rest of the bill.