The Verge have published a new article on the role and implications of AI - artificial intelligence - in the 'authorship' of musical works - although the same thoughts must surely apply to artistic, literary and dramatic works . In 'WE’VE BEEN WARNED ABOUT AI AND MUSIC FOR OVER 50 YEARS, BUT NO ONE’S PREPARED' Dani Deahl asks some interesting questions - and find very few answers! As AI begins to reshape how music is made, how are our legal systems going to answer some messy questions regarding authorship. Do AI algorithms create their own work, or is it the humans behind them? What happens if AI software trained solely on Beyoncé creates a track that sounds just like her? Just a few of the thoughts in there! Jonathan Bailey, CTO of audio tech company iZotope, seemed to most concisely sum up the issue “I won’t mince words,” he told The Verge. “This is a total legal clusterfuck.”
Bloomberg reports that a US photographer could lose some or all of a $450,000 jury award because he didn’t establish that the allegedly infringing business owner willfully infringed his copyrights by hiring a web developer who used unlicensed images. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit April 16 reversed part of a jury verdict in favor of photographer Jim Erickson in his 2013 lawsuit against Kraig Rudinger Kast holding that Erickson failed to show Kast financially benefited from the infringement or went beyond negligence into willfulness, remanding those issues back to the lower court: “Negligence is a less culpable mental state than actual knowledge, willful blindness, or recklessness, the three mental states that properly support a finding of willfulness”. And more on in a similar vein from the Second Circuit Court of Appeals in the case between BWP Media and e-commerce website Polyvore - digested by the New York Law Journal here.
The US government has published its annual piracy report from the US Trade Representative which highlights where the US feels IP rights are most at risk. Both of America's closest neighbours, Canada and Mexico, appear on the list of countries that should be doing more to protect IP rights but special mention goes to Algeria, Argentina, Chile, China, India, Indonesia, Kuwait, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Ukraine and Venezuela. In a statement the UTSR said "These trading partners will be the subject of increased bilateral engagement with USTR to address IP concerns. For such countries that fail to address US concerns, USTR will take appropriate actions". Drilling down into where the problems lie,The Pirate Bay gets a mention but the report acknowledges that other forms of piracy are now out-performing file-sharing. The report notes that "pirate streaming sites continue to gain popularity, overtaking pirate torrent and direct download sites for distribution of pirated content". The USTR says that the aim of its annual piracy bad boys list is "to motivate appropriate action by the private sector and governments to reduce piracy and counterfeiting".
A US federal appeals court has rejected a fair use ruling by a lower court in a case that focuses on what can and cannot be considered when applying the doctrine. The District Court in Brammer v. Violent Hues had found that the unauthorised use of a photograph qualified as fair use, even though it was a commercial use that did little to give any new meaning to the original photograph. At the time of the ruling US District Judge Claude M Hilton was widely criticised by legal observers and photographers’ trade groups who disagreed with his ruling that Violent Hues’s use of Brammer’s photo was “transformative” because Brammer had created the image for “promotional” purposes, while Violent Hues used it for “informational” purposes. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit has emphatically reversed the lower court’s ruling saying “What Violent Hues did was publish a tourism guide for a commercial event and include [Brammer’s] Photo to make the end product more visually interesting. Such a use would not constitute fair use when done in print, and it does not constitute fair use on the Internet” adding “If the ordinary commercial use of stock photography constituted fair use, professional photographers would have little financial incentive to produce their work” and that " “fair us is not designed to protect lazy appropriators".
In 1709 (or was it 1710?) the Statute of Anne created the first purpose-built copyright law. This blog, founded just 300 short and unextended years later, is dedicated to all things copyright, warts and all.
Monday, 29 April 2019
Friday, 26 April 2019
Photographer Claims Versace Removed CMI in Instagram Post of Jennifer Lopez
Photographer Robert Barbera has just filed
a copyright infringement suit against Versace USA in the Southern District of
New York, claiming that the fashion company did not have the right to publish,
on its Instagram account, a photograph of Jennifer Lopez wearing Versace [see here].
[This is the second time in a row I am mentioning J-Lo in a blog
Barbera registered the photograph with the
Copyright Office. He did not license it to Versace.
Versace’s Instagram account is used to
promote the brand and features many pictures of products and models, presumably
taken as part of the company’s marketing and public relations strategy. The
account is obviously used as a promotional tool.
![]() |
Is Versace in hot cappuccino? |
Management Information and Moral Rights
Barbera claims copyright infringement and
also alleges that Versace “intentionally
and knowingly removed copyright management information identifying Plaintiff as
the photographer of the Photograph,” thus violating 17
U.S.C. § 1202(b), which forbids to intentionally remove or alter any
copyright management information without authorization of the copyright owner.
Copyright management information (CMI) includes,
under Section 1202, the “title and other
information identifying the work, including the information set forth on a
notice of copyright… [t]he name of, and other identifying
information about, the author of a work [and] [t]he name of, and other identifying
information about, the copyright owner of the work, including the information
set forth in a notice of copyright.”
This is an interesting claim as the
Copyright Office has just published its study of attribution and
integrity rights in the United States. It addresses the issue of CMI
and notes (p.86) that “[i]t is common practice in the digital world
for CMI to be stripped from works, disconnecting a work from its authorship and
ownership information” and further notes that the provisions of section
1202 “provide a form of quasi-moral
rights protection by effectively preserving the names of authors, owners, and
other creators in connection with their works.”
In our case, Plaintiff claims that Versace
removed the CMI “intentionally, knowingly
and with the intent to induce, enable, facilitate, or conceal their
infringement of Plaintiff’s copyright in the Photograph. Versace also knew, or
should have known, that such falsification, alteration and/or removal of said
copyright management information would induce, enable, facilitate, or conceal
their infringement of Plaintiff’s copyright in the Photograph.”
First Amendment be a Defense?
What about originality? The photograph has
been registered and thus was deemed original enough to be protected by
copyright. Yet, the pose, the angle, the light, are all quite mundane. What is
original in the picture is the striking pattern of the Versace outfit worn by
Miss Lopez.
While fashion designs are not protected by
copyright in the US, with
a few rare exceptions, patterns are protected and the one adorning
the cat suit outfit featured in the allegedly infringing photograph is
certainly original enough to be protected by copyright. However, Versace could
not claim infringement as the picture is protected by the First Amendment: it
was taken at a public event, the 2018 MTV Video Music Awards, and Versace used
#VMAs as a hashtag. Could posting the picture on its corporate account be
protected by the First Amendment? It certainly could be argued.
What about J.Lo.? By thus appearing in the
Versace account, dressed in a Versace outfit, her likeness is used for
commercial purpose. If this use is unauthorized, she could file a right of
publicity suit. However, Versace could then also use the First Amendment as a
However, it is possible, even likely, that
the famous singer and actress has an agreement with Versace and that therefore
the use of her likeness is authorized. She is one of the #Versacecelebrities,
another hashtag used in the post, and has been wearing the brand for years, making
headlines sometimes doing so. She was recently
nominated CFDA's 2019 Fashion Icon. I won’t write about her in my
next blog post.
Image is courtesy of Flickr user irene. under a CC BY-ND 2.0 license.
Wednesday, 24 April 2019
Mr. Enjoy is Mr. Plaintiff (Was he the Boss in E*Trade’s Commercials as Well?)
Gianluca Vacchi is a social media influencer and DJ, who has
more than 12 million followers on Instagram. He appeared last year in a commercial
(do not watch while drinking) for the Bank of Georgia, Europe, which was so
successful that “that many United States
residents registered as clients of the bank” (because nothing gives you
more confidence than a Santa Claus in an orange satin robe).
While Italian and living in Milan, Vacchi
travels around the world to dance on roof tops, DJing, and generally having a
good time. He chose Mr. Enjoy as his nickname. After all, as another Italian
influencer, who also meddled a bit with music, urged us: “Godiam, la tazza e il cantico, La notte abbella e il riso. »
But Vacchi is not enjoying two of online
investing company E*Trade’s commercials, [here
is the other one] which were produced in mid-2017, where a middle-aged
man, presented as “your boss,” is featured dancing with abandon (with who?)…
with scantily dressed women.
Vacchi has just filed
suit in the Southern District of New York against E*Trade, claiming “copyright infringement, as well as false
endorsement and misappropriation of protectable character, protectable scenes,
and image and persona of “the coolest man on Instagram.” Will he be
New York Civil Rights Law §§ 50 and 51 is
the state of New York’s only right to privacy, which is not otherwise
recognized by its common law. The statute makes it a misdemeanor to use the name,
portrait or picture of a living person for advertising or trade purposes
without prior written consent.
The E*Trade commercials are certainly “for advertising or trade purposes.” What
is less certain, however, is whether the “name, portrait, or picture” of Vacchi
has been used by Defendant.
the Persona?
“In fact, even a simple Google search for
“dancing millionaire” inevitably shows Plaintiff in the top results”
Plaintiff claims a use of his image and his
New York courts have recognized
that using a "lookalike" of a well-known personality for commercial
purposes is a violation of New York Civil Rights Law §§ 50 and 51. In this
case, a lookalike of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis has been featured in a Dior ad.
The court noted that “Plaintiff's name
appears nowhere in the advertisement. Nevertheless, the picture of a well-known
personality, used in an ad and instantly recognizable, will still serve as a
badge of approval for that commercial product.” In our case, Vacchi’s name
is not used in the commercial either.
Lohan was not able to convince the courts last
year either that Take-Two Interactive Software, the developer and distributor
of the Grand Theft Auto V video game, had used her likeness and persona to
create the character Lacey Jonas (see here
and here).
But the case was about a video game, not an advertisement, and the court in
Onassis v. Dior distinguished artistic from commercial endeavors.
In our case, Plaintiff is a middle aged
man, with trimmed grey beard and hair, a toned and tattooed body, and a
propensity to take pictures of himself while bare chested. This is his image, his likeness, his
Plaintiff claims that Defendant used a “clone of Vacchi, dancing with women on a
boat while DJ’ing: conduct that based upon numerous YouTube videos,
photographs, and music videos created and published by Vacchi, has become
synonymous with the image and persona,” and describes “the E*Trade Character [as]
a heavily-tattooed male with bare torso
dancing with a beautiful female companion.”
Vacchi self-described persona is “the coolest man on Instagram,” and he
very well may be if cool is defined by sunsets seen from high rise balconies,
partying, the beaches, dancing around rooftop swimming pools, and leopard
cushions. No coupon clipping for him.
So Plaintiff’s persona could be: man +
middle-aged + toned and tattooed body + glasses + dancing + trim gray beard +
exotic locales + women in teeny weeny bathing suits. This could also describe
an aged James Bond after one too many stirred Martinis led him to the tattoo parlor,
or Queequeg if Moby-Dick had shed some blubber and got a bikini wax.
The E*Trade character is a middle-aged man, with glasses, bare chested, with tattoos,
dancing with young women in bathing suits, on a yacht. He wears suspenders, as
does Plaintiff sometimes.
It could be argued, as in the Onassis v.
Dior case, that “plaintiff's identity was
impermissibly misappropriated for the purposes of trade and advertising, and
that it makes no difference if the picture used to establish that identity was
genuine or counterfeit.” Plaintiff would still need to prove that Defendant
used his image. Or maybe it meant to portray the
Most Interesting Man in the World.
Plaintiff also claims that Defendant’s videos
are infringing derivative works and that
“E*Trade’s commercial is simply a rip-off
of a number of videos created and published by Vacchi over the years.”
Plaintiff regularly posts short videos on
his Instagram account, featuring him and other persons in exotic locales. He is
seen doing less than mundane activities, such as tattooing a female doll
(cringe alert on this one), or pedaling on a stationary bike in his private
Plaintiff did not obtain a registration for
these videos before filing suit, because “Plaintiff
is a foreign citizen and did not register all of his videos and photos in the
United States.“
This is too bad, as the U.S. Supreme Court held
last month, in Fourth Estate Public Benefit Corp. v. LLC, that a
plaintiff claiming copyright infringement must first register the work with the
U.S. copyright Office before filing suit.
Plaintiff’s Instagram videos are probably
not original enough to be protected by copyright anyway. The Copyright Office
appears to be less and less inclined these days [see here
and here]
to register such works, because they are
not original enough to be worthy of copyright protection.
The videos feature cliché images of sunsets
on the beach, descending the steps of a private jet, big designer bags, having
a manservant in livery, leopard cushions, party, party, party, and young women
in bikinis. They look sometimes like a Michael Kors
ad. Whether they are to be taken with a grain of salt is irrelevant,
as they are unprotectable scènes
à faire of a “Let’s live in a Jennifer Lopez video”
lifestyle (I love that song).
The case will probably settle (alas, may I
add, rather selfishly).
Monday, 15 April 2019
The 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals sitting in Philadelphia must be hoping not to slip up on the appeal being heard in the case between Kangaroo Manufacturing which is now the subject of an injunction issued by a federal trial judge preventing it making a banana costume that seemingly resembled that of costume-maker Rasta Imposta. Kangaroo are arguing that nothing makes the Rasta Imposta costume protectable by copyright as it lacks any distinctive features and resembles - well, a banana. U.S. District Judge Noel Hillman used terms such as “bananafest” and “bananapalooza” at a hearing, and he then issued what the Times termed “a split decision” in favor of Rasta Imposta on two of the issues and in favor of Kangaroo Manufacturing on one.
Infowars' Alex Jones, who has been sued by Pepe the Frog artist Matt Furie for allegedly infringing Furie’s copyright on the cartoon frog by putting Pepe on a poster that Infowars was selling, has made a number of defences to his actions in a wide-ranging deposition, comparing his use of Pepe the Frog to artist Andy Warhol's paintings of Campbell’s soup can and saying “[Pepe the Frog] is a symbol of free speech” adding .“There’s now a movement to try to then control and own symbols that have entered the public domain and public use….and so now I see it as basically a tombstone of free speech and fair use in the Western world. So I see it for what it is, from the perspective of the corporate fascists.” Much more on Motherboard here.
The EU Council has now approved the European Copyright Directive, the last step in the EU legislative process - it is now up to each EU member state to implement the new copyright laws. "It was a long road and we would like to thank everyone who contributed to the discussion" said Helen Smith, head of the pan-European independent record label group IMPALA. "As a result, we now have a balanced text that sets a precedent for the rest of the world to follow, by putting citizens and creators at the heart of the reform and introducing clear rules for online platforms".
A video in support of Donald Trump's 2020 re-election campaign has been removed from Twitter . The video uses music from the Warner Bros Batman film 'The Dark Knight Rises' and in a statement Warner Bros. confirmed it was taking action over the video: "The use of Warner Bros.’ score from The Dark Knight Rises in the campaign video was unauthorized," a spokesperson said. "We are working through the appropriate legal channels to have it removed.” The video in Trump's tweet had been replaced by a message that it was no longer available "in response to a report by the copyright owner."
And finally, Chinese authorities have suspended country's largest stock images provider's website after it was found to have put its copyright mark on the first ever photo taken of a black hole. China Daily reported that Visual China Group (VCG) had published the black hole photo with a watermark to indicate ownership and that a fee was payable for use. The cyberspace affairs authority in Tianjin (North) to suspend its website. The incident led to the Chinese National Copyright Administration to say that it would launch a campaign to regulate the image copyright market, noting that firms should set up mechanisms to uphold copyright as per legal requirements, here that image from the Event Horizon Telescope was available for use where it was properly attributed, a position commonly taken by the European Southern Observatory and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The black hole measures 40 billion km across - three million times the size of the Earth - and has been described by scientists as "a monster". It is 500 million trillion km away. And we are delighted to say this image is from the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), a network of eight linked telescopes.
Infowars' Alex Jones, who has been sued by Pepe the Frog artist Matt Furie for allegedly infringing Furie’s copyright on the cartoon frog by putting Pepe on a poster that Infowars was selling, has made a number of defences to his actions in a wide-ranging deposition, comparing his use of Pepe the Frog to artist Andy Warhol's paintings of Campbell’s soup can and saying “[Pepe the Frog] is a symbol of free speech” adding .“There’s now a movement to try to then control and own symbols that have entered the public domain and public use….and so now I see it as basically a tombstone of free speech and fair use in the Western world. So I see it for what it is, from the perspective of the corporate fascists.” Much more on Motherboard here.
The EU Council has now approved the European Copyright Directive, the last step in the EU legislative process - it is now up to each EU member state to implement the new copyright laws. "It was a long road and we would like to thank everyone who contributed to the discussion" said Helen Smith, head of the pan-European independent record label group IMPALA. "As a result, we now have a balanced text that sets a precedent for the rest of the world to follow, by putting citizens and creators at the heart of the reform and introducing clear rules for online platforms".
A video in support of Donald Trump's 2020 re-election campaign has been removed from Twitter . The video uses music from the Warner Bros Batman film 'The Dark Knight Rises' and in a statement Warner Bros. confirmed it was taking action over the video: "The use of Warner Bros.’ score from The Dark Knight Rises in the campaign video was unauthorized," a spokesperson said. "We are working through the appropriate legal channels to have it removed.” The video in Trump's tweet had been replaced by a message that it was no longer available "in response to a report by the copyright owner."
And finally, Chinese authorities have suspended country's largest stock images provider's website after it was found to have put its copyright mark on the first ever photo taken of a black hole. China Daily reported that Visual China Group (VCG) had published the black hole photo with a watermark to indicate ownership and that a fee was payable for use. The cyberspace affairs authority in Tianjin (North) to suspend its website. The incident led to the Chinese National Copyright Administration to say that it would launch a campaign to regulate the image copyright market, noting that firms should set up mechanisms to uphold copyright as per legal requirements, here that image from the Event Horizon Telescope was available for use where it was properly attributed, a position commonly taken by the European Southern Observatory and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The black hole measures 40 billion km across - three million times the size of the Earth - and has been described by scientists as "a monster". It is 500 million trillion km away. And we are delighted to say this image is from the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), a network of eight linked telescopes.
banana costume,
black hole,
dark Knight,
donald trump,
Pepe the Frog
Wednesday, 10 April 2019
Are Marvel’s Arguments’ Iron Clad?
The Horizon Comics Productions v. Marvel Entertainment
suit (Southern District of New York, 16-cv-2499) is still pending.
What is the case about?
Ben and Ray Lai are two brothers who own
Horizon Comics Productions and created the comic book series Radix in 2001. Only a few books were
published in 2001 and 2002.
Radix featured characters wearing “highly-detailed,
futuristic, armored, and weaponized suits of body armor to fight enemies”
(original complaint).
Marvel created the Avengers series, of
which Iron Man
is one of the superheroes. The character gets his superpowers from a powered
armored suit.
Uh-oh, two power suits (not the eighties
type with the big shoulder pads, the armored and weaponized type).
![]() |
Honk if you remember these |
Marvel’s Iron Man character first appeared
in 1963, but he did not have armor then. Plaintiffs alleged that he first wore
a “spandex-like attire and minimal armor”
and then wore a “fully mechanized suit of
body armor” in the Marvel movies, and that this change occurred after
Plaintiffs had submitted the Radix art to Defendants and were hired by Marvel
as freelance artists.
Robert Downey Junior (RDJ) played Iron Man
in several of Marvel’s movies. Iron Man 3
is at stake in this case, or rather,
the promotional poster of the movie, which shows RDJ crouching in costume, the
left knee on the floor, the right leg bended, the left hand on the floor, the
right hand closed in a fist.
Plaintiffs claimed that the armored suit
worn by Iron Man in the Iron Man and Avengers film was based on a suit worn by
the hero of Radix and that the
promotional poster copied a particular promotional piece for Radix (the Caliban Drawing).
Marvel had moved to dismiss claiming that
elements of Plaintiff’s works which had allegedly been copied were not
protectable as a matter of law and were not, in any event, substantially
similar to Defendants’ works. In March 2017, Judge Paul Oetken granted
the motion as to the armored suit’s claim, but allowed the complaint about the
promotional posters to move forward.
Defendant recently filed a memorandum of
law in support of its motion for summary judgment.
Parties in a copyright infringement suit
sometimes struggle to prove how a particular work has been created. However, it
is essential to be able to prove that the allegedly infringing work has been
independently created. This is why Marvel’s memorandum of law is particularly
interesting to read.
to copy
A plaintiff claiming copyright infringement
must show that the defendant copied his work. If there is no direct evidence of
actual copying, he must show access and probative similarity.
Marvel claims that that it hadn’t access to
the Caliban Drawing. Plaintiffs claim that Ray Lai had provided his business
card to several persons which listed a web site address where the Caliban Drawing
could be found, and that the drawing was hung on a wall at a comic book
convention in 2001.
Marvel denied it had access, as there was
no evidence that anyone involved in the creation of the Iron Man 3 poster was at
the comic book convention where the drawing was allegedly featured. They
further argued that the mere fact that the drawing was allegedly featured on Plaintiff’s website is not
sufficient evidence, as “the existence of
the plaintiff’s copyrighted materials on the Internet, even on a public and
‘user-friendly’ site, cannot by itself justify an inference that defendant
accessed those materials.” Defendant noted that Plaintiff’s website had
ceased to operate in 2003, which made it improbable that anyone involved in the
making of the poster, even if they had indeed visited the site, would have
saved a copy of the Caliban Drawing found on the site and then used it years later
to create the Iron Man 3 promotional
If Plaintiff is not able to prove access,
then probative similarities are not sufficient to prove copying. Instead,
plaintiff must prove that the two works are “strikingly similar,” which means
that “two works are so nearly alike that
the only reasonable explanation for such a great degree of similarity is that
the latter was copied from the first.”
It is Marvel’s description of the
independent creation of the Iron Man 3 Poster which is particularly interesting
to read.
Even if a plaintiff provides evidence supporting
a prima facie case of infringement,
defendant can still prevail if can prove that he independently created the
Disney and Marvel had retained the service
of a third party to create the poster. He testified he had never see the Caliban
Drawing, but described his creative process.
He reviewed the Iron Man 3 script then
developed inspiration boards using images from prior Iron Man movies and
comics. He and his team then made black and white sketches, which were used as an
inspiration for RDJ during a photo shoot.
Hundreds of photos were taken during the
shoot. One of them shows the actor in the pose which was later chosen for the
Iron Man 3 promotional poster. RDJ is shown looking down at the black and white
sketches while posing.
Defendant was thus able to establish a
chain of inspiration: inspiration board drawings of former Iron Man movies and
comics, which inspire sketches, which in turn inspire the RDJ pose, which is
then replicated in the poster. Defendants
claim this a “straightforward development
Defendants further explained that before
the poster was finalized, the creative team had provided Marvel with “callout”
documents “identifying, by source and
serial number, every photographic and artistic element depicted in the Iron Man
3 poster, so that Marvel Studios’ legal team could “clear” any license rights
needed for those materials.” Defendants argued that “the photos used for
Iron Man’s head, shoulders, arms and fist” were all taken during the RDJ shoot.
Defendant concludes by stating that “[t]he
claim that they would copy a drawing made some 10 years earlier by unknown
artists, to promote an unheard-of comic book, depicting an anonymous character
wearing a generic armored suit in a stock fighting pose is, candidly,
ludicrous.” [Ouch].
Image of the "power suit" is courtesy of Flickr User (and Thrift Store Extraordinaire) Housing Works Thrift Shops, under a CC BY-SA 2.0 license. C BY-SA 2.0
Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Ten members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have said they voted against a crucial amendment to the EU's Copyright Directive by accident, and that if they had got their votes right it would have let MEPs take a further vote on the inclusion of Articles 11 and 13, the most controversial parts of the law (and named by the tech sector as the “link tax” and “upload filter”). That vote was lost by just five votes but official voting records published by the EU show that 13 MEPs have declared they accidentally voted the wrong way on this amendment. According to the record, ten MEPs say they accidentally rejected the amendment when they meant to approve it, two MEPs accidentally approved the amendment, and one MEP says he intended not to vote at all on that matter. If these MEPs had voted as they said they meant to, the amendment would have been approved by a small majority, prompting further votes on whether the law would include Articles 11 and 13 (renamed articles 15 and 17 in the final draft). Whilst no one knows how that might have gone, it makes no difference now of course as the final vote has passed and stands, with a clear majority 348 MEPs voting in favor of the new reforms, and 274 against. YouTube 'creators' and the tech sector are now starting to re-voice concerns, and no doubt will continue lobbying, with one creator saying they will be forced to block content from being seen in Europe, and one of the most vocal activists leading a charge against the Directive, Dr. Grandayy, says it’s time for YouTubers to get serious about copyright activism.
And Poland's right-wing government has hinted that they may not fully implement the European Union's new copyright reform, saying it stifles freedom of speech. Ruling party leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski said Saturday that a copyright directive adopted by EU lawmakers this week threatens freedom. Of course the bloc's nations have two years to incorporate it into their legal systems. Without elaborating, Kaczynski said the Law and Justice party will implement it "in a way that will preserve freedom."
Vodafone in Germany has blocked access to a popular platform where users share links to infringing content after a complaint from music collecting society GEMA, but seemingly without GEMA securing an injunction to mandate the block. the German division of Vodafone has now blocked Boerse telling Torrentfreak "On the basis of a notification from GEMA, we have set up a DNS blockade for the '' domain. The blockade affects Vodafone GmbH's fixed and mobile network" citing recent precedents in the German courts regarding the responsibilities and liabilities of internet companies saying "GEMA has officially sent us a notification and we have set up the DNS blockade in order to avoid a legal dispute in accordance with the principles established by the Federal Court Of Justice".
adding that whilst it was "critical of these blocking requests" it would nevertheless comply with its legal obligations. The site is still accessible via other ISPs in Germany.

And finally, Lexology reports that the latest (and unanimous) US Supreme Court decision in Rimini Street, Inc. v. Oracle USA, Inc., holds that 17 U.S.C. § 505’s award of “full costs” is limited to the specific categories of costs defined in 28 U.S.C. §§ 1821 and 1920, which exclude expert witness fees, e-discovery expenses and jury consultant fees. “A statute awarding ‘costs’ will not be construed as authorizing an award of litigation expenses beyond the six categories listed in §§ 1821 and 1920, absent an explicit statutory instruction to that effect.”[2] This decision effectively limits the costs recoverable by a successful litigant as a matter of course in copyright litigation and in “exceptional” trademark and patent cases. More here.
blocking orders,
EU copyright,
EU Copyright Reform
Monday, 1 April 2019
Warner Music signs distribution deal with AI generated music app Endel
AI and copyright is one of the hottest topics of the time in IP at the moment. This is hardlysurprising since it raises so many interesting questions about creativity and
ownership. As Prof. Bernt Hugenholtz argued at the March Alicante Congress
on AI and IP [reported here] that copyright protection – if any - for AI-generated
works needs to be balanced against the overarching goals that such
protection aims to achieve.
ownership. As Prof. Bernt Hugenholtz argued at the March Alicante Congress
on AI and IP [reported here] that copyright protection – if any - for AI-generated
works needs to be balanced against the overarching goals that such
protection aims to achieve.
However, this has not stopped Warner Music signing a bundle of code to
create 20 new albums this year! Warner Music is an American multinational
entertainment and record label, the third largest in the global music industry,
with artists from Ed Sheeran, Coldplay, Madonna to Led Zeppelin.
The latest to be "signed" by the multi-billion dollar company, is an algorithm.
create 20 new albums this year! Warner Music is an American multinational
entertainment and record label, the third largest in the global music industry,
with artists from Ed Sheeran, Coldplay, Madonna to Led Zeppelin.
The latest to be "signed" by the multi-billion dollar company, is an algorithm.
Endel, developed by a start-up based in Berlin, creates tailor-made custom
sound frequencies based on personal user inputs such as weather, time of day,
location, and biometric details such as heart rate.
sound frequencies based on personal user inputs such as weather, time of day,
location, and biometric details such as heart rate.
] |
![]() | |||
Evidently, Endel is not signatory
to the contract with Warner, as such.
The company has agreed a 50/50
distribution deal, covering a total of
20 albums that will be released
throughout 2019 with Warner Music.
(Cat SamplingImage: Andy Miccone
This is not the first time AI-generated
music has created distribution deals.
Aiva Music is a composition
algorithm that famously became the
first AI to register with a collecting
society (SACEM) and
recently partnered with Believe Distribution (owned by Song Records) to release
its latest album. Sony also has its Flow Machines project, which involves
a algorithmic composition tool that is formally credited as a songwriter,
producer, instrumentalist and/or vocalist in all of the tracks’ liner notes for its
debut album 'Hello World'. However, the creators also include a list of
human contributors who provided songwriting, instrumentation,
mixing and mastering support.
music has created distribution deals.
Aiva Music is a composition
algorithm that famously became the
first AI to register with a collecting
society (SACEM) and
recently partnered with Believe Distribution (owned by Song Records) to release
its latest album. Sony also has its Flow Machines project, which involves
a algorithmic composition tool that is formally credited as a songwriter,
producer, instrumentalist and/or vocalist in all of the tracks’ liner notes for its
debut album 'Hello World'. However, the creators also include a list of
human contributors who provided songwriting, instrumentation,
mixing and mastering support.
The Endel-Warner deal is a step forward in that there are no human collaborators
in the generation of the new sounds. Nevertheless, a human - aside from
obviously creating the AI - also had to, input sounds and data into Endel.
Interestingly Stavisky describes the work as being "generated based
on different combinations of inputs" rather than created.
in the generation of the new sounds. Nevertheless, a human - aside from
obviously creating the AI - also had to, input sounds and data into Endel.
Interestingly Stavisky describes the work as being "generated based
on different combinations of inputs" rather than created.
Some of these inputs, or instrumental stems, were created by Endel's
co-founder and sound designer Dmitry Evgrafov. Each sound is then
allocated metadata according to certain parameters which the app
can read and use to generate a soundscape. So, whilst it might seem that
the sounds are created with a click of a button, Stavisky explained that it
took "1.5 years of work developing our algorithm and creating and
tagging the stems.”
co-founder and sound designer Dmitry Evgrafov. Each sound is then
allocated metadata according to certain parameters which the app
can read and use to generate a soundscape. So, whilst it might seem that
the sounds are created with a click of a button, Stavisky explained that it
took "1.5 years of work developing our algorithm and creating and
tagging the stems.”
In terms of copyright ownership, on a theoretical level some argue that
the creator of the AI might be the owners of the outputs, others suggest that
it could be the AI system itself. Other potential owners could be the creator
of the "inputs" on the basis that this is the personality being expressed.
Or, perhaps, the investor of the AI project on an economic justification
of remuneration as encouragement.
the creator of the AI might be the owners of the outputs, others suggest that
it could be the AI system itself. Other potential owners could be the creator
of the "inputs" on the basis that this is the personality being expressed.
Or, perhaps, the investor of the AI project on an economic justification
of remuneration as encouragement.
![]() |
Endel: "Personalized sounds to help you focus and relax" |
it was practical issue. Stavitsky said
that when Warner asked for the
songwriter information in order to
register the copyright of the music,
they decided to list the co-founders
and software engineers, saying
“I am now credited as a songwriter
even though I have no idea
how to write a song."
So, whilst we are still discussing what we think the outcome should be in theory,
in practice some are marching ahead on the basis that the copyright holders
are the company founders and the AI engineers. At this stage, given the
extensive skill, labour and effort that went into the development of Endel
it might not be so controversial. But what happens if [when] it is a self-learning
machine that doesn't require as much human effort?
in practice some are marching ahead on the basis that the copyright holders
are the company founders and the AI engineers. At this stage, given the
extensive skill, labour and effort that went into the development of Endel
it might not be so controversial. But what happens if [when] it is a self-learning
machine that doesn't require as much human effort?
So many other questions come to mind - is Endel sampling? Do they need
a licence? Who would be liable if Endel created an infringing piece of music?
All of the registered copyright holders? The specific engineer who input a
copyright protected work? But it is only if Endel uses a substantial part of
that work in a new song that it would be infringing. Are the engineers able
to programme the system not to take a substantial part? As we well know,
its not about quantity in which case that might be viable, but since it is
something decided on "quality", on a case by case basis, it's not so straight
a licence? Who would be liable if Endel created an infringing piece of music?
All of the registered copyright holders? The specific engineer who input a
copyright protected work? But it is only if Endel uses a substantial part of
that work in a new song that it would be infringing. Are the engineers able
to programme the system not to take a substantial part? As we well know,
its not about quantity in which case that might be viable, but since it is
something decided on "quality", on a case by case basis, it's not so straight
The future for copyright and AI remains to be seen, but it appears
that the time is ripe to be discussing such issues!
that the time is ripe to be discussing such issues!
Artificial Intelligence,
music copyright
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