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From hotel rooms ... |
It's probably not the right time to
ask, as a brand new reference on this very topic has just been made from
Austria (although this time not in relation to the InfoSoc Directive), as 1709 Blog friend Axel Paul Ringelhann (Ringlaw) explains.
Here's what Axel Paul writes:
"C-641/15 - Verwertungsgesellschaft Rundfunk (VGR) is yet another case before
the CJEU concerning communication to the public.
As can be inferred form the question
referred to the CJEU it appears that VGR, the Austrian collecting society managing
rights for broadcasting organisations, has taken legal action against an
operator of a hotel for infringement of broadcasting rights.
On 2 December 2015 the Vienna
Commercial Court lodged a request for a preliminary ruling with the CJEU
concerning interpretation of Article 8(3) of Directive 2006/115/EC on rental right and
lending right and on certain rights related to copyright in the field of
intellectual property (Rental and Lending Rights Directive).
The referring court wants to know
whether the criterion of ‘payment of an entrance fee’ within the meaning
of Article 8(3) Rental and Lending Rights Directive is satisfied where
- separate
hotel rooms are equipped with TV-sets and the hotel operator distributes the
signal of TV and radio programs, capable of being seen or heard by means of
these apparatus (‘hotel room TV’), and
- the hotel
operator charges payment for rooms per night (‘room price’), which also
includes the use of a TV-set and TV and radio programs, capable of being seen
or heard by means of these apparatus.
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... to spas ... |
opposed to former cases, which were either based on Article 3(1) InfoSoc
Directive (SGAE, OSA) or on Article 8(2) Rental and Lending Rights Directive (PPI, SCF), the case at hand addresses the question
of communication to the public under the angle of the broadcaster’s signal
right, as provided by Article 8(3) Rental and Lending Rights Directive (but see
also Rome Convention Article 13(d)).
broadcaster’s rights is a very contentious topic in Austrian copyright law.
the recent copyright reform which entered into force on 1 October 2015 and
established, inter alia, levies on storage media, open access clause for
scientific papers, and further limitations and exceptions with regard to
educational purposes, did not bring much legal certainty as regards this
other area of law.
das Tatbestandsmerkmal „gegen Eintrittsgeld“ des Art 8 Abs. 3 der Richtlinie
2006/115/EG des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 12.12.2006 zum
Vermiet- und Verleihrecht sowie zu bestimmten dem Urheberrecht verwandten
Schutzrechten im Bereich des geistigen Eigentums erfüllt, wenn
in den einzelnen Zimmern eines Hotels TV-Geräte bereitgestellt sind und vom
Hotelbetreiber das Signal diverser Fernseh- und Hörfunkprogramme durch diese
wahrnehmbar gemacht wird ("Hotelzimmer-TV"), und
vom Hotelbetreiber für die Benutzung des Zimmers (mit
"Hotelzimmer-TV") ein Entgelt für das Zimmer pro Nächtigung
("Zimmerpreis") verlangt wird, das auch die Nutzung des TV-Geräts und
der dadurch wahrnehmbaren Fernseh- und Hörfunkprogramme mitumfasst?"
Thanks so much Axel Paul!
If you wish to comment on this case, then you have time until 28 January 2016 to let the UK Intellectual Property Office know what you think. You can email your views to policy@ipo.gov.uk.
If you wish to comment on this case, then you have time until 28 January 2016 to let the UK Intellectual Property Office know what you think. You can email your views to policy@ipo.gov.uk.
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