Friday 22 May 2015

The Age of EU Copyright Reform? An event reminder

On Tuesday 26 May I am organising an event at the London offices of RPC, devoted to discussing everything EU copyright law and policy.

There are a couple of places still available to attend in person this event, which is also possible to follow via YouTube live streaming/video.

If you wish to register, just click here!

And here's the programme as it was originally advertised:

What future awaits EU copyright? What are the reform plans (if any) of the EU Commission? What is in the pipeline for the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in the area of copyright?

These and (many) other questions will be addressed during this 3-hour event that will take place on 26 May 2015 at the London offices of RPC!
On 6 May the EU Commission is due to unveil its own Digital Single Market Strategy, which includes plans to reform EU copyright. A draft version of this document has been already leaked. From this it would appear that areas for legislative intervention in the area of copyright are likely to encompass geo-blocking, exceptions and limitations, civil enforcement, and the role of internet service providers. Meanwhile numerous amendments have been presented to the draft Report on the implementation of the InfoSoc Directive, prepared by MEP Julia Reda. Following a vote in the Legal Committee of the European Parliament, her report will be subject to a final vote in plenary in early July.

Whilst the future of EU copyright policy, including possible legislative intervention, is (slowly) unfolding in Brussels, things are as busy as ever in Luxembourg, where the CJEU has been tackling (and will continue to do so) thorny issues such as digital exhaustion, hyperlinking, exceptions and limitations, and e-lending.
This event will review developments at both policy and judicial levels.
Places are limited (with some tickets available for full time students), so to provide everybody with the opportunity to discuss fully the present and future of EU copyright.

For those who cannot attend in person, it will be also possible to follow the event in either live streaming or at a later time via YouTube.

CDP points are also available!

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