In 1709 (or was it 1710?) the Statute of Anne created the first purpose-built copyright law. This blog, founded just 300 short and unextended years later, is dedicated to all things copyright, warts and all.
Monday, 31 October 2016
Wednesday, 26 October 2016
French Representatives Discuss EU Commission Copyright Proposal
The Commission of European Affairs of the French lower
Chamber, the Assemblée Nationale,
examined last week a report
on copyright protection in the European Union (EU), written by Representatives Marietta
Karamanli and Hervé Gaymard (the Rapporteurs).
The Commission published on September 14 its proposal to
update the EU copyright laws, which include a proposal
for a Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market (see here
for Eleonora’s review on the IPKat
blog). The Representatives’ report was written before the Commission
publication, but it anticipated the proposals. The Rapporteurs, however, do not
seem quite interested in change. They do not believe it is necessary to modify Directive
2001/29, the InfoSoc Directive, and even believe it would be “inauspicious,”
as the InfoSoc Directive“ does not constitute an obstacle to the construction
of a large digital single market” as envisioned by the European Commission.
harmonization of exceptions? Well… peut-être…
The Rapporteurs are against mandatory harmonization of exceptions
of the rights of reproduction and communication to the public in all the Member
States, as it had been recommended by Julia Reda’s report, because
“[n]ational flexibility in this field is a prerequisite for the development of
a stable environment for creators and conducive to creativity.”
During the October 18 meeting of the Commission of European
Affairs (video is here),
Hervé Gaymard stressed the importance of strictly supervising these exceptions
(encadrement strict), which choice
and implementation, according to him, are best left to the Member States
As of now, the InfoSoc Directive lays out twenty exceptions
to the exclusive rights of copyright holders which Member States may or may not
chose to implement in their laws. The InfoSoc Directive’s only mandatory
exception is laid out in its article 5.1., which directs Member States to exempt
from the reproduction right temporary acts of reproduction which sole purpose
is to enable a transmission in a network between third parties by an
intermediary, or a lawful use, such, for example, “caches” and other technical
copies made by users of computers for faster access by websites. Articles 5.2 and
5.3 of the Directive provides a list of exceptions which Member States may
choose to implement. Recital 32 of the InfoSoc Directive specifies that this
list of optional exceptions is “exhaustive.”
This led to Member States having quite a different copyright
framework. We saw
last week that France recently, but somewhat reluctantly, implemented the
‘freedom of panorama’ law in its IP Code. Other Member States implemented this
exception more broadly, or
not at all.
The EU Commission noted in its 2015 Communication
towards a modern, more European copyright framework that:
“[t]he fragmentation
of copyright rules in the EU is particularly visible in the area of exceptions.
The exceptions set out in EU law are, in most cases, optional for Member States
to implement. Often exceptions are not defined in detail. As a consequence, an
exception in the law of one Member State may not exist in a neighbouring one,
or be subject to different conditions or vary in scope. In some cases the
implementation of a given exception in Member States' law is narrower than what
EU law permits. Most exceptions do not have effect beyond a given Member State.
New mandatory exceptions may be ahead. Article 3.1 of the proposal
for a new Directive would create a mandatory exception “for reproductions and
extractions made by research organisations in order to carry out text and data
mining of works or other subject matter to which they have lawful access for
the purposes of scientific research.” This new exception was discussed at the
October 18 meeting, and Hervé Gaymard is favorable to it, but only if it leads
to non-commercial works.
Article 4 of the new directive would provide an exception
for “the digital use of works and other subject-matter for the sole purpose of
illustration for teaching.” Hervé Gaymard declared to be favorable to this
exception, as MOOCs must be allowed to develop, but only if in accordance to
the French law and if it is not, for example, detrimental to the French school
books market.
Article 5 of the new Directive would provide an exception
for “cultural heritage institutions, to make copies of any works or other
subject-matter that are permanently in their collections, in any format or
medium, for the sole purpose of the preservation.” Hervé Gaymard is in favor of
this exception, which would benefit France’s patrimony.
Mr. Gaymard concluded that the Rapporteurs were in favor of
new mandatory exceptions, but only if they were they are framed, proportionate
to the aim pursued and if they are not detrimental to creators’ income.
No fair use, non!
The Rapporteurs are suspicious of the American fair use,
because it is unpredictable and “potentially unfavorable to creation” and is
even “likely to cause significant damage to the authors.” The authors cite the Hargreaves Review of Intellectual Property
and Growth as a proof of the “potentially harmful nature” of fair use. Indeed,
this report had concluded that the UK was better off without fair use, as “significant difficulties would arise in any
attempt to transpose US style Fair Use into European law “(see paragraph
5.19 of the Hargreaves Review).
The Hargreaves Review supported the use of the exceptions
system as applied in the EU, rather than the US fair use system, although interpreting
this report as saying that fair use is of a “harmful nature”, as the Rapporteurs
did, may be a bit of a stretch. The Hargreaves Review presented some of the
positive aspects provided by fair use, which the Rapporteurs chose not to
report. One of the positive aspects of fair use reported by the Hargreaves
Report is that it allows US judges “to take a view as to whether emerging
activities in relation to copyright works should legitimately fall within the
scope of copyright protection or not” without the need of the intervention of
the legislature. One can understand that the Rapporteurs are not keen on giving
such powers to the French courts. France is, after all, a civil law country,
not a common law country.
Data portability,
pourquoi pas?
Finally, the Rapporteurs “welcom[ed] the proposal for a regulation for cross-border portability
of content, which will allow users to enjoy, wherever they are in the territory
of the Union, the programs to which they subscribed in their State of habitual
residence. But they stress the idea that portability should be strictly
temporary, and that temporality must be a precise definition, without which the
settlement would disproportionately infringe the principle of territoriality of
rights, which is the base of the financing system for the creation, notably in
This is only the start of the discussion about the EU Commission
proposals. Stay tuned…
Monday, 24 October 2016
CopyCamp – 27-28.10.2016
David Liao informs us that the 5th International CopyCamp Conference will be taking place on October 27 and 28 this year at the Kinoteka Multiplex in Warsaw.
With a particular focus on the future of copyright in Europe, CopyCamp aims to provide a forum for citizens and experts alike to discuss the opportunities and challenges of copyright in today's digital world. Balanced and multi-sided debate will be hosted in a friendly space and participants are encouraged to share ideas and present opinions to an international audience.
With a particular focus on the future of copyright in Europe, CopyCamp aims to provide a forum for citizens and experts alike to discuss the opportunities and challenges of copyright in today's digital world. Balanced and multi-sided debate will be hosted in a friendly space and participants are encouraged to share ideas and present opinions to an international audience.
and Art;
Education and Science; and
For those who cannot attend in person, it will also be
possible to follow the event via live stream or at a later time through recordings
published online.
Further details can be found here.
Tuesday, 18 October 2016
The new, but narrow, French freedom of panorama exception
The French law for a Digital Republic (Loi
pour une République Numérique) finally came into force on October 7. Its
article 39 modifies article L. 122-5 of the French intellectual property Code,
which now recognizes some limited freedom of panorama rights. It is now legal
in France to reproduce and to represent, without having to secure the authorization
of the copyright holder, “architectural works and sculptures, located
permanently on public roads, made by natural persons to the exclusion of commercial
« Les reproductions et représentations d'œuvres architecturales et de
sculptures, placées en permanence sur la voie publique, réalisées par des
personnes physiques, à l'exclusion de tout usage à caractère commercial. »
The law does not define however, what is a “commercial use,”
and reading the congressional records is not of much help.
France’s lower Chamber, the
Assemblée Nationale, had added a freedom
of panorama right to the original bill, presented by junior minister Axelle
Lemaire. Its scope was broader than the freedom of panorama exception finally
enacted, as it would have authorized reproduction of “architectural works and
sculptures, located permanently on public roads, made by natural persons for
non-profit purposes" (see article 18 ter of the bill).
« Les reproductions et
représentations d’œuvres architecturales et de sculptures, placées en
permanence sur la voie publique,
réalisées par des particuliers à des fins non lucratives. »
The French Senate changed the wording for this
exception, narrowing it somewhat as it would have only authorized “reproductions
and representations of architectural works and sculptures, located permanently
on public roads, made by individuals, excluding any use for direct or indirect
commercial nature" (see article 18 ter of the bill).
« Les reproductions et représentations d'œuvres architecturales et de
sculptures, placées en permanence sur la voie publique, réalisées par des
personnes physiques, à l'exclusion de tout usage à caractère directement ou
indirectement commercial. »
Then the Commission
mixte paritaire, a commission composed of seven Representatives and seven
Senators whose duty is to find a compromise on the text of a bill in case both
Chambers differ in their views, yet again changed the wording for this freedom
of panorama exception. It was only provided from now on if “made by natural
persons to the exclusion of commercial uses."
« Les reproductions et représentations d'œuvres architecturales et de
sculptures, placées en permanence sur la voie publique, réalisées par des
personnes physiques, à l'exclusion de tout usage à caractère commercial. »
This still leaves us in the limbo as to what exactly is “commercial
use.” Unfortunately, we cannot turn to the European Union law for guidance as
to its signification. Indeed, article 5.3(h) of the Directive 2001/29/EC of the
European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 on the harmonisation of
certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society (the
Directive”) gives Member States latitude to have or not have a freedom of panorama
exception for “use of works, such as works of architecture or sculpture, made
to be located permanently in public places,” but does not mention nor define commercial
Not having a definition of what must be considered to be a commercial
use will undoubtedly chill the enthusiasm of photographers, who may hesitate to
post on their web sites, blogs, or on social media, the images they have taken
of buildings, houses, statues, churches, or fountains located in public spaces.
It is not even clear from the wording of the French law if
it is only the individual who took the picture who must not benefit commercially
for this use, or if anybody, including any platforms, must not benefit from that
use. Many web sites or blogs, while not commercial, are participating in
advertising programs. Some bloggers are
using a free blogging program, such as, which runs ads on free blogs to
cover their costs. In this case, it is the platform which benefits from the
ads, not the blogger. It could also be argued that blogging platforms and
social media sites commercially benefit, albeit indirectly, from all that User
Generated Content uploaded on their sites, images of French public buildings
and sculptures included. Will it take a lawsuit to clarify how the law must be
interpreted? On va voir…
Monday, 17 October 2016
The Copykat: what Tibbie has to tell us this Monday
This blog post is the first written by our new
intern, Tibbie McIntyre.
if you hurt me – Well, that’s okay baby, only words bleed”
Ed Sheeran won’t be quoting his
international hit ‘Photograph’ anytime soon in relation to his current lawsuit
in front of a California federal court.
Sheeran et al are currently attempting to have the ‘Photograph’
case - worth $20m - dismissed on administrative grounds. Sheeren’s hit,
‘Photograph’ is alleged to infringe ‘Amazing’, recorded and released by Matt
Cardle, winner of the 2010 season of The X Factor.
As a lawyer, solving your client’s issues quickly
and cost-effectively is the best way to keep them happy. That’s why the initial
litigation strategy employed by most defending lawyers is to attack the basis
of the complainant’s claims. Where a defendant is said to be infringing a
patent, her lawyers will probably try to argue that there was never any patent
in the first place. In copyright cases – the same holds true – with one side
probably arguing that copyright never subsisted in the work in question.
In this particular case, Sheeran’s lawyers have plead to have the case dismissed, asserting – as filed on 7 October – that the lawsuit consists of “vague, disorganized, redundant, argumentative and scandalous allegations”, which “defy the most fundamental pleading requirement of providing short, concise and plain statements”. The second prong of attack taken by Sheeran’s lawyers is to take issue with “unduly vague allegations that “certain Defendants” performed certain unspecific acts without any effort to distinguish between the eleven different Defendants”.
In this particular case, Sheeran’s lawyers have plead to have the case dismissed, asserting – as filed on 7 October – that the lawsuit consists of “vague, disorganized, redundant, argumentative and scandalous allegations”, which “defy the most fundamental pleading requirement of providing short, concise and plain statements”. The second prong of attack taken by Sheeran’s lawyers is to take issue with “unduly vague allegations that “certain Defendants” performed certain unspecific acts without any effort to distinguish between the eleven different Defendants”.
With the ‘Blurred Lines’ decision
having been roundly criticized since its release because no melody or harmony
features were similar in either of the two songs, attempting to have the case
dismissed at this early stage is a prudent move from Sheeran’s lawyers. The
original complaint in Sheeran’s case states that the alleged copying was “on a
breathtaking scale” and was in fact “in many instances, verbatim, note-for-note
copying.” We will watch this case with interest.
doctrine of exhaustion of distribution rights in computer software does not
apply to back-up copies (copies held on a non-original medium).
The Court of Justice of the European Union
(CJEU) ruled on October 12 that the doctrine of exhaustion of distribution
rights in computer software does not apply to back-up copies.
Ranks et Vasiļevičs is a case concerning
two Latvian nationals who are alleged to have sold copyright-protected
Microsoft software on an online marketplace between 29 December 2001 and 22
December 2004 (see also here).
The questions put before the court were “whether
Article 4(a) and (c), and Article 5(1) and (2), of Directive
91/250 must be interpreted as meaning that the acquirer of a used copy of a
computer program, stored on a non-original material medium,
may, under the rule of exhaustion of the rightholder’s distribution right,
resell that copy where (i) the original material medium of that program, acquired
by the initial acquirer, has been damaged and (ii) that initial acquirer has
erased his copy or ceased to use it.”
Essentially, the court’s ruling states
- An initial acquirer of software under an unlimited user licence is entitled to resell the software to a new acquirer under the doctrine of exhaustion of distribution right. Importantly, however, the software being resold must be stored on the original material medium.
- In contrast, copies of software stored on a non-original material medium (i.e. backup DVDs/CDs/floppy disks) cannot be resold without the authorisation of the rightholder, even where the original material medium has damaged/destroyed/lost.
The CJEU emphasizes that the rightholder
has an exclusive reproduction right under Art 4(1) of Directive 91/250.
Exceptions to this right are found in Art 5 of the Directive, therefore the
initial acquirer of software under an unlimited user licence – in certain
circumstances – is entitled reproduce the software. The crux of this case is
that the CJEU states that exceptions to
exclusive rights must be interpreted strictly, according to settled case
law of the Court (Painer,
C‑145/10, paragraph 109).
Electronic Frontier Foundation calls
on internet users to petition to reform the Digital Millennium Copyright Act’s
pro-DRM provisions
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is
preparing comments in response to the U.S. Copyright Office’s request for
additional comments in connection with its ongoing study on the “anti-circumvention”
provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).
As reported here
by Ben, under Section
1201 of the DMCA, people attempting to fix a broken object subject to some
sort of protection measure can be sued for violating copyright law. The
consequence being that manufacturers can hold consumers to ransom – dictating
who can fix consumer products and how much consumers need to cough up for the
Corynne McSherry, EFF’s legal director,
"In practice, the
DMCA anti-circumvention provisions haven’t had much impact on unauthorized
sharing of copyrighted content. Instead, they’ve hampered lawful creativity,
innovation, competition, security, and privacy. … People are realizing how
important it is to be able to break those locks, for all kinds of legitimate
reasons. If you can’t tinker with it, repair it, or peek under the hood, then
you don’t really own it—someone else does, and their interests will take
precedence over yours.”
Directive 91/250,
The Copykat
Saturday, 15 October 2016
A Liverpool man has pleaded guilty to illegally distributing chart hits online, potentially costing the music industry millions of pounds and depriving the creators of the content fair remuneration for use of their work. Wayne Evans was arrested at his home in Everton last year following a joint investigation between PRS for Music and the City of London’s Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit (PIPCU). Evans pleaded guilty on Friday, 7th October at Liverpool Crown Court to illegally uploading the UK’s Top 40 singles to various torrent sites as they were announced each week by the Official Charts Company. The 39-year-old, known online as OldSkoolScouse, was also distributing tracks through his own website, including ‘acappella’ music to be used for DJ-ing and remixing. The conviction results from a case that began with a joint investigation between UK performance right collection society PRS for Music and PIPCU. Sentencing will take place next month (on November 11th).
And more music! The Music Managers Forum has published 'Dissecting the Digital Dollar Part 2' saying "While recognising that record companies continue to make significant investments in new music, many in the music community believe that there needs to be a frank conversation about how streaming income is shared" and "Many people felt that the share received by heritage artists, session musicians and songwriters needs particular consideration, and that a ‘performer equitable remuneration’ system like that that operates in the radio sector and the ‘contract adjustment mechanism’ proposed in the draft European copyright directive might be ways to address some of these concerns" and "Artists and songwriters would generally prefer more digital services to be licensed through the collective licensing system, though managers recognise that there can be issues with that approach. CMOs should seek to address those issues" amongst many other interesting things! You can download a copy of the report yourself here.
The US Copyright Office is asking for comment on that thorny issue of copyright and 'fixing things'. Back in 2015 The US Register of Copyrights Maria A Ms. Pallante noted that the anticircumvention provisions of Section 1201 of the DMCA prevent consumers from “engaging in activities, such as the repair of their automobiles and farm equipment, which previously had no implications under copyright law”. That issue had been in the news, not least as at the end of 2015 Senators Grassley and Leahy, the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on the Judiciary, published a letter to the Copyright Office asking it to analyse the impact of copyright law on “software-enabled devices” (such as cars, phones, drones, appliances, and many more products with embedded computer systems). This issue they said was "crucial because technology and the law have evolved in a way that no one could have intended when Congress wrote the present copyright laws, and that evolution has restricted customers’ freedoms to repair, understand, and improve on the devices they buy". Car makers including General Motors and other vehicle manufacturers such as tractor maker Deere & Co had opposed a ruling from the Copyrght Office agreeing with this, saying vehicle owners could visit authorised repair shops for changes they may need to undertake - much to the annoyance of drivers and farmers! Now you can have your say! The EFF have already taken a lead saying "Let’s send a strong message to the U.S. Copyright Office and lawmakers: copyright law should not criminalize research and repair". More here and here. Request for Additional Comments here.
And finally, Kanye West, Jay Z and Frank Ocean have prevailed in a $3 million copyright-infringement lawsuit filed against them in 2014 by singer songwriter Joel McDonald. A federal appeals court has now that the trio’s 2011 hit “Made in America,” from Kanye and Jay Z’s “Watch the Throne” album, did not copy a 2009 track by McDonald: McDonald claimed that the artists plagiarised his song after their “Watch the Throne” producer, Mike Dean, bought one of McDonald’s CDs. The appeals court upheld a September 2015 dismissal of the suit saying "“We have considered all of McDonald’s arguments and find them to be without merit.”
Our two new intern bloggers, David Liao and Tibbie McIntyre, will be taking over the COPYKAT from next week - we wish them well. We are sure they will be finding marvellous titbits and morsels of copyright news to keep everyone well fed with up to date copyright news.
And more music! The Music Managers Forum has published 'Dissecting the Digital Dollar Part 2' saying "While recognising that record companies continue to make significant investments in new music, many in the music community believe that there needs to be a frank conversation about how streaming income is shared" and "Many people felt that the share received by heritage artists, session musicians and songwriters needs particular consideration, and that a ‘performer equitable remuneration’ system like that that operates in the radio sector and the ‘contract adjustment mechanism’ proposed in the draft European copyright directive might be ways to address some of these concerns" and "Artists and songwriters would generally prefer more digital services to be licensed through the collective licensing system, though managers recognise that there can be issues with that approach. CMOs should seek to address those issues" amongst many other interesting things! You can download a copy of the report yourself here.
The US Copyright Office is asking for comment on that thorny issue of copyright and 'fixing things'. Back in 2015 The US Register of Copyrights Maria A Ms. Pallante noted that the anticircumvention provisions of Section 1201 of the DMCA prevent consumers from “engaging in activities, such as the repair of their automobiles and farm equipment, which previously had no implications under copyright law”. That issue had been in the news, not least as at the end of 2015 Senators Grassley and Leahy, the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on the Judiciary, published a letter to the Copyright Office asking it to analyse the impact of copyright law on “software-enabled devices” (such as cars, phones, drones, appliances, and many more products with embedded computer systems). This issue they said was "crucial because technology and the law have evolved in a way that no one could have intended when Congress wrote the present copyright laws, and that evolution has restricted customers’ freedoms to repair, understand, and improve on the devices they buy". Car makers including General Motors and other vehicle manufacturers such as tractor maker Deere & Co had opposed a ruling from the Copyrght Office agreeing with this, saying vehicle owners could visit authorised repair shops for changes they may need to undertake - much to the annoyance of drivers and farmers! Now you can have your say! The EFF have already taken a lead saying "Let’s send a strong message to the U.S. Copyright Office and lawmakers: copyright law should not criminalize research and repair". More here and here. Request for Additional Comments here.
And finally, Kanye West, Jay Z and Frank Ocean have prevailed in a $3 million copyright-infringement lawsuit filed against them in 2014 by singer songwriter Joel McDonald. A federal appeals court has now that the trio’s 2011 hit “Made in America,” from Kanye and Jay Z’s “Watch the Throne” album, did not copy a 2009 track by McDonald: McDonald claimed that the artists plagiarised his song after their “Watch the Throne” producer, Mike Dean, bought one of McDonald’s CDs. The appeals court upheld a September 2015 dismissal of the suit saying "“We have considered all of McDonald’s arguments and find them to be without merit.”
Our two new intern bloggers, David Liao and Tibbie McIntyre, will be taking over the COPYKAT from next week - we wish them well. We are sure they will be finding marvellous titbits and morsels of copyright news to keep everyone well fed with up to date copyright news.
News from CREATe: events and copyright education
CREATe, the RCUK Centre for Copyright and New Business Models in the Creative Economy at the School of Law - University of Glasgow, is organising a series of public lectures and PhD development workshops this autumn.
The calendar can be viewed here.
In particular, CREATe public lecture series will investigate topical policy issues such as the EU Copyright Reform in a post Brexit environment, Open Access to scholarly publications and the press publisher right proposed in the Copyright in the Digital Single Market draft Directive.
Attendance to the public lectures is free but subject to registration due to limited space availability.
The next event is scheduled for Wednesday October 19th when CREATe's Director, Prof. Martin Kretschmer, will deliver the inaugural lecture on the extremely current topic "EU Copyright Reform in a Brexit Environment". This lecture will investigate what a digital single market means in an interconnected world in which copyright still slices content by territory, and where the balance between artists, investors and users still reflects an analogue world of linear exploitation. Finally, the lecture turns to Brexit. Can the UK become a digital Island?
In addition, as is explained more at length here, CREATe is also delighted to announce the release of the second episode of the award-winning series The Game is On!
Drawing inspiration from well-known copyright and public domain work, as well as recent copyright litigation, this series of short films provides a springboard for exploring key principles and ideas underpinning copyright law, creativity, and the limits of lawful appropriation and reuse.
Friday, 14 October 2016
Introducing our Two New Interns
We are very happy to welcome two interns to our blog, David
Liao and Tibbie McIntyre. They will join us for six months and will provide you copyright news and tidbits.
David Liao is currently an intellectual property trainee at the London office of Berwin Leighton Paisner. David discovered his enthusiasm for IP while studying Law at the University of Cambridge. David has since done pro-bono work with Own-it! and has a particular interest in copyright in the music industry. You can learn more about David here.
Welcome David and Tibbie!
![]() |
Tibbie McIntyre |
Tibbie McIntyre studied music (B.Mus) and law (LL.B) at the
University of Glasgow. Tibbie is particularly interested in copyright and how
it affects creativity, both online and offline. She has experience in advising
small and medium-sized enterprises on IP strategy and conducting IP due
diligence prior to equity investment deals. Tibbie is currently studying an
LL.M in Intellectual Property & the Digital Economy at The University of
Glasgow. You can learn more about Tibbie here.
Friday, 7 October 2016
A Big Tag with Fries and a Can of Spray Paint for You?
There is yet another copyright infringement case about the
use by a corporation of the work of a graffiti artist (see here,
and here).
This time, it is purveyor of Big Macs and other calorific delicacies McDonald’s
which has been accused of copyright infringement for using a graffiti without
authorization when creating the décor of its new graffiti-themed restaurants in
the U.K. and Asia.
The protected work had been created by the late Dash Snow, and
it is the administrator of his estate who filed the suit in the Central
District of California, on behalf of her and Snow’s minor child. Mc Donald’s
introduced these graffiti restaurants this year in the U.K., but they did not
receive a unanimous warm reception (see here
and here).
Plaintiff saw the allegedly infringing reproduction in a London McDonald’s and
notes that “Hundreds of McDonalds around the world use near-identical interior
design.” Plaintiffs had asked McDonald’s to remove the art when they discovered
the use in June 2016, but the fast food chain refused, which led to the filing
of this suit. The case is Jade Berreau v
McDonald’s Corporation, 2:16-cv-07394 (Central District of California).
Snow signed his artwork using the stylized signature of his
pseudonym “SACE.” The complaint alleges that an image of a wall in a McDonald’s
restaurant in London “includes a brazen copy of Mr. Snow’s work” (see Complaint
p. 2). Plaintiff alleges that Snow’s work is prominently placed on the wall,
and that it is “the only element created by a famous artist” whereas the “remaining
graphic elements are comprised of generic anonymous shapes and scribbles.” The
complaint also alleges that McDonald’s reproduced Snow’s work for in-store
marketing material.
Plaintiff claims that McDonald’s infringed Snow’s copyright
in his work. The graffiti had been painted by Snow on a New York wall and so it
had been fixed in a tangible medium of expression. Plaintiffs filed a copyright
registration for the work on September 17.
The complaint further argues that Dash Snow had “carefully
avoided any association with corporate culture and mass-market consumerism,”
that he was “diligent in controlling distribution channels of his work” and
that “nothing is more antithetical to Mr. Snow’s outsider “street cred” than
association with corporate consumerism— of which McDonald’s and its marketing
are the epitome.” Therefore “Mr. Snow’s reputation and legacy have been
irreparably tarnished, diminishing the value of his work” and that such
unauthorized is deceptive because it is “ strongly suggesting that Mr. Snow
endorses, sponsors, or is affiliated with McDonald’s and its products, causing
(and substantially likely to continue to cause) mistake and confusion.” U.S.
law provides only limited moral rights, but, under European moral rights laws,
such a statement would support a claim of violation of the artist’s moral rights,
which are perpetual.
Plaintiff also claims that, by placing Mr. Snow’s signature
on the walls of its restaurants, McDonald’s has intentionally falsified
copyright management information in violation of 17 U.S.C. § 1202
which forbids anyone to knowingly and intentionally, in order to induce,
enable, facilitate, or conceal infringement, to provide false copyright
management information. A
similar argument had been made by graffiti artists Revok and Steel in their
copyright infringement suit against Roberto Cavalli.
What is next? Another graffiti artist, Eric Rosenbaum, known
as NORM, had filed
a similar copyright infringement suit against McDonald’s last March, in the
same court, the Central District of California, claiming copyright
infringement, unfair competition, false advertising and misappropriation of
likeness for having used one of his graffiti bearing his artist’s signature in
McDonald’s restaurants in Europe and Asia. The case has settled, and so it is
likely that it will be the case here as well.
copyright infringement suit,
Thursday, 6 October 2016
The Copykat
Nearly twenty record label menbers of the Recording Industry Association of America and the British Recorded Music Industry have sued one of the world's leading websites - - which they say facilitates copyright infringement by enabling so-called stream-ripping for the public. Why? Well Cary Sherman, chairman and CEO of the RIAA, said the following: [] is raking in millions on the backs of artists, songwriters, and labels. We are doing our part, but everyone in the music ecosystem who says they believe that artists should be compensated for their work has a role to play. It should not be so easy to engage in this activity in the first place, and no stream-ripping site should appear at the top of any search result or app chart." The claimants said in the Los Angeles federal court lawsuit that "Copyright infringement through stream-ripping has become a major problem for Plaintiffs and for the recorded music industry as a whole. From 2013 to 2015 alone, there has been a 50% increase in unauthorized stream-ripping in the United States." EFF Opinion here.
And Alan Toner, writing on the EFF website, makes some challenging comments on the Court of Justice of the Euroean Union's recent decision in Sony v McFadden which Toner says has important consequences for open wireless in the European Union. The court held that providers of open wifi are not liable for copyright violations committed by others, but can be ordered to prevent further infringements by restricting access to registered users with passwords. EFF reported on the legal aspects of the case last year and collaborated on an open letter to the CJEU on the costs to economic growth, safety and innovation of a password lockdown - although seemingly not on the cost to the copyright industry if piracy remains unchecked wth Toner saying "Universal access to the net will ultimately require curbing the power of a copyright industry which sees free networks as a threat to their property, something to be controlled and monitored rather than opened up and shared." It's worth a read.
A federal court in California has denied Oracle another trial in its long-standing copyright infringement dispute with Google over the use of Java code in the Android operating system. A jury had cleared Google of copyright infringement in May this year, upholding the company’s stand that its use of 37 Java APIs (application programming interfaces) in its Android mobile operating system was fair use, thus denying Oracle up to US$9 billion in damages that it was seeking.


Wednesday, 5 October 2016
New York Fashion Company Sued Over Use of Photograph on Instagram
On September 27, 2016, Matilde Gatoni, a
French-Italian photographer based in Milan, filed a copyright infringement suit
against New York fashion company Tibi in the Southern District of New York
(SDNY). Plaintiff alleges that Tibi reproduced without authorization one of her
photographs (the Photograph) by posting it on its Instagram account.
Ms. Gatoni regularly posts photographs on her Instagram account. On August 26, 2016, she posted a picture
of a building in Essaouira, Morocco. The building is seen from the street,
where it commands a corner and the Photograpgh allows the viewer to see it on
both sides, which are painted in blue, yellow, white and pink. A woman wearing
a long flowing dress in the same color tones of the walls is seen from the back
at the right of Photograph. The posting on Instagram
was the first publication of the Photograph.
Defendant Tibi also has an Instagram account. The complaint alleges that the fashion company
reproduced the Photograph by cropping it and posting it on its own Instagram account, without Plaintiff’s
authorization. Exhibit D shows the picture as allegedly posted on Instagram.
The picture has been cropped on the right side and on the lower side, cutting the woman off and making the pink part
of the wall the center of the image.
Plaintiff is seeking damages and Defendant’s profits
pursuant to 17
U.S.C. § 504(b) for the alleged infringement, and statutory damages up to
$150,000 per work infringed for Defendant’s willful infringement of the
Photograph, pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 504(c).
Complaint also alleges that Tibi “intentionally and
knowingly removed copyright management information identifying Plaintiff as the
owner of the Photograph,” in violation of Section 1202(b) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act,
which prevents the unauthorized intentional removal or alteration of any
copyright management information. Plaintiff alleges that such removal was done
“intentionally, knowingly and with the intent to induce, enable, facilitate, or
conceal their infringement of Plaintiff’s copyrights in the Photograph [and
that] Tibi … knew, or should have known, that such falsification, alteration
and/or removal of said copyright management information would induce, enable,
facilitate, or conceal their infringement of Plaintiff’s copyright in the
Plaintiff seeks Plaintiff’s actual damages and Defendant’s
profits, gains or advantages of any kind which can be attributed to the falsification,
removal and alteration of copyright management information, or statutory
damages of at least $2,500 and up to $25,000 for each instance of false copyright management information and/or
removal or alteration of copyright management information.
Copyright registration of the Photograph is pending, but
there is no doubt that it will be granted, as the picture meets and exceeds the
threshold of originality. Copyright registration is necessary when suing for
copyright infringement, but is not necessary to protect one’s work by copyright,
nor it is necessary that the work contains a copyright notice. It suffices that
the work has been fixed and that it is original.
The case will probably settle, but it is interesting to see
that copyright infringement suits are still being filed against Defendants who
found a work on social media and allegedly used it without permission. Tibi’s
Instagram account alternates posts of Tibi’s own models with random photographs
of buildings, furniture or landscapes, a sort of digital mood board echoing the
colors and shapes of the garments. Both the photos of Tibi’s models and the
random photos garner appreciative comments from Instagram followers. The
fashion industry is indeed hungry for images and Instagram plays
an increasing role in fashion companies ‘marketing mix.
Should Instagram put in place a proprietary licensing
program? This may allow companies interested in featuring a particular
photographs an easy way to secure a license.
Southern District of New York
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