The February 2010 issue of
Copyright World, published 10 times a year by Informa Law, came shimmying through my letterbox this morning. Among its contents are the following items of note:
* "Beware of the blog", by Rita L. Berardino and Jessica M. Kiser, who explore the spectrum of content and infringement liability risk associated with corporate blogging;
* "The case of the copied photograph", claiming that "a landmark Italian decision has established that producing a painting of a photograph may result in copyright infringement". The authors are Edith Van den Eede and Luca Trevisan (Trevisan & Cuonzo Avvocati);
* "How litigation changed peer-to-peer file sharing", penned (as if anyone uses a pen these days ...) by the Arnold & Porter duo of Richard Dickinson and Alex Watt.
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