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In 1709 (or was it 1710?) the Statute of Anne created the first purpose-built copyright law. This blog, founded just 300 short and unextended years later, is dedicated to all things copyright, warts and all.
jeremy may I modestly propose a theme song ( and great costume theme) for the launch of the good ship?
The song is
Kid creole and the coconuts ' life boat party'
Well, that's just it isn't it? At over three hundred years old this anachronism is like an oil painting next to a 3D plasma display, or, if you prefer car analogies, a red flag in front of a Prius.
You may as well have a skeletal horse for a logo, and a plaque "1709 - Born. Died. Flogged. Raised. Flogged harder. Zombified. Flogged harder still. Abolished 20__?"
A 1709 blog wishing to 'modernise its image' to distance itself from its antique origins whilst still covering the depredations of the very same antique privilege seems to hint at a deep internal conflict.
You may even consider a logo depicting a highly polished coprolite. After all, that's what you're dealing with.
jeremy thanks for your comment. for sure you can use my sketches.
jeremy the reference to the song was meant as a compliment- we are all in a lifeboat - some do it with style and ironic wit .
It looks like we have a worthy winner - beautifully executed and packed full of secondary allusion!
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