Wednesday 1 August 2012

Some technical issues ......

If you have recently subscribed to receive emails - or you are a currently one of the 1709 blog's valued subscribers and have noticed that not all of the Blog posts are being sent out as emails - please bear with us - we have experienced a number of "technical issues"! 

At the moment we cannot update our database, so if you have sent us your email address and haven't received a reply - we are not ignoring you! And some (but not all) of our bloggers' posts are not being sent out to subscribers as emails. "Sorry" is all we can say, but its not really of our doing - and please check the blog for all of current content! Monika recently posted a very interesting piece pondering "perpetual" moral rights, Iona wrote on the latest delays to WIPO's proposed treaty to give blind and visually impaired people easier access to published works, and I posted a piece on the newly proposed industry funded and industry led 'Copyright Hub' here in the UK.

The all new Google blogger is not as perfect as we would like it to be - in fact in this blogger's opinion, it's not as good as the last version! But we hope to have a fix soon!

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