Green push for copyright reform in Oz
The Australian Green party have moved to bring “common sense
and fairness” to copyright law with the introduction of the Copyright
Legislation Amendment (Fair Go for Fair Use) Bill by communications spokesperson
Senator Scott Ludlam who said “Central to our reforms is the introduction of a
‘fair use’ provision. It will make the Copyright Act properly reflect the
legitimate expectations of consumers by promoting innovation and fair access to
archives and other information stores of public interest” and Ludlam added “Under the current arcane copyright laws,
schools, universities and ISPs can face legal sanctions if end users infringe
copyright law while using their services. This sledgehammer approach drags
innocent organisations into strife, fostering onerous micromanagement of users
that is detrimental to institutions and individuals alike” and “This Bill
removes obstacles for blind and visually impaired Australians accessing
published works in formats such as Braille, large print text and audio books,
harmonising Australian law with the treaty agreed in Marrakesh."
1 comment:
On the other hand the OZ greens are the 'last standing' backers of a version of artist resale royalty that is compulsory for artists and applies to the first resale of artworks that were purchased long before ARR was even thought off, let alone enacted as law.
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