Against the backdrop of the ever increasing demand by the 'connected world' to use online and digital methods to consume content, and the ever growing proliferation of illegal ways to access online material, this conference hopes to provide some answers and updates on what is happening with IP and media in the digtal age. With Kim Dotcom on remand, the Hadopi and Sinde laws in operation in France and Spain respectively, and with perceived success for content owners in Russia, in Newzbin 2 and against the Pirate Bay, it's been no secret over the last couple of months that the entertainment industry has "begun to fight back". There again, with SOPA and PIPA suddenly on the back burner, the DEA still unimplemented and ongoing issues of privacy, free speech and competition law, its not all rosy for the content businesses.
This Butterworths' conference says "it is essential that you keep up to date with the competing issues being fought out in the courts, as well as understanding the complexities of new online business models". To be held on 23rd March 2012 in Central London, IP and Media in the Digital Age conference will provide a comprehensive analysis of new approaches to protecting intellectual property rights. The expert speaker panel will be there to discuss the following critical issues:
• Understand the implications of Hollywood’s High Court win requiring BT to block the website Newzbin2
• Discuss what ‘communication to the public’ means in today’s digital environment
• Explore the regulatory issues surrounding the advent of “Connected TV”
• Debate whether new online business models will kill off the traditional entertainment industry
• Hear the latest on cross border licensing initiatives in Europe
To download the full agenda or to register, please visit: http://www.conferencesandtraining.co.uk/IP-Media or email registrations@lexisnexis.co.uk.
Plus, book before 10th February 2012 to receive a £50 discount. To claim it, all you have to do is quote the reference ‘IPMLUB’ when registering.
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