A new report on the effectiveness of the French three-strikes ‘Hadopi’ anti-piracy law claims that it has managed to cut Internet piracy in half in 2011. Well I imagine it would, as it’s from the Hadopi office itself, and as Torrentfreak points out the Report is “conveniently written in English so it can be used by lobbyists all around the world”,
The Report says that “Benchmarking studies covering all of the sources available shows a clear downward trend in illegal P2P downloads. There is no indication that there has been a massive transfer in forms of use to streaming technologies or direct downloads.” The report goes on to cite a variety of statistics ranging from a 29 percent decrease in visits to “pirate” sites in 2011, to a 66 percent drop in illegal file-sharing traffic in France in the same period. Impressive figures indeed, and Hadopi correlates this to the French three-strikes law.
However there is no corresponding rise in digital sales in France and Torrentfreak asks “[if] the entertainment industry has claimed that digital piracy is the main cause for the gradual decline in revenues ...... one would expect that the revenues are soaring, right? But they’re not” and points out that “highly profitable CDs are being replaced by less profitable MP3s, subscription services and free streaming services such as YouTube”.
More at http://torrentfreak.com/french-three-strikes-law-slashes-piracy-but-fails-to-boost-sales-120330/
a little more detail:
The overall recorded music industry in France saw a 3.9% drop , and France’s video market dropped 2.7% overall. However, both the music and video industries saw significant increases in purchases of digital media. In music, download revenues increased by 18.4%. Streaming and subscriptions revenue grew by 73%, largely due to the rising popularity of Spotify and Deezer.
After that read, then we can say that the changes on this industries are coming as an unusual form of acceptation of the new bussiness model. Internet revolution has come. Let's see more changes!
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