Tuesday 12 June 2012

Illegally Blonde?

The Hollywood Reporter says that a planned concert featuring a holographic Marilyn Monroe is under legal threat from the deceased icon's estate. Organisers Digicon Media’s show  "Virtual Marilyn" features  the projected blond bombshell singing and interacting alongside live music stars, but has attracted the attention of attorneys Sheppard Mullin who represent the Monroe estate in what might become a developing legal controversy. 

The holographic performance by dead rapper  Tupac Shakur at the Coachella festival in 2012 proved that digital resurrection of deceased celebrities could be an emerging trend and you can find more on the copyright, trade mark, image right  and other legalities of the holograms of deceased stars here http://www.musiclawupdates.com/?p=4856 and here http://www.musiclawupdates.com/?p=4928

Hollywood Reporter article here

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