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That red bus |
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MegaUpload |
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The Pirate Bay |
In March, as The Pirate Bay co-founder Carl Lundstrom
prepared to serve his four month prison sentence under house arrest in Sweden,
the current Pirate Bay organisers announced plans to put copies of their
database onto servers in the sky - on "small airborne drones"
connected to the mobile internet - that would have to be literally “shot down”
to take the site offline. The High
Court of Justice in London ordered telecoms company O2 to hand personal details of more than 9,000 broadband subscribers to film company Golden Eye International and pornography producer and distributor Ben Dover
Productions under a Norwich Pharmacal order. Leave to appeal was granted. In Europe, the ECJ handed
down its decisions in two copyright cases. In the first, Public Performance (Ireland) v Ireland, Attorney General
(C-162/10), a reference from the Irish High Court, we learned that
communications by hotels to hotel bedrooms are communications to the public -
although we didn't really learn that, as it had already been decided in the
SGAE/Rafael Hoteles case. We also
learned that the ECJ did not think that Ireland was acting consistently with
the Rental and Lending Directive Article 8(2) in exempting hotels from the
right to equitable remuneration for the communication of sound recordings to
the public. In the second case, SCF v Marco Del
Corso (C-135/10), a reference from the Court of Appeal in Turin, John explained that the ECJ had found
that the playing of phonograms in dental surgeries was not such as to trigger
the remuneration right, because it did not constitute a communication to the
public for the purposes of the same equitable remuneration right. Talking of remuneration, an ongoing theme all year was the paucity of royalties paid by the new online digital services such as Spotify and Vevo, with complaints from both songwriters and recording artistes, music publishers, and even independent labels, that they were being underpaid - if they were being paid at all.

At the beginning of May we reported that the High Court in London had
issued orders requiring five internet service providers to block access to The
Pirate Bay file sharing site. The five ISPs were Sky, Everything Everywhere,
TalkTalk, O2 and Virgin Media, with BT asking for more time. Neelie Kroes, the
European Commissioner for the Digital Agenda said that the Anti Counterfeiting Trade
Agreement (ACTA) was likely to follow
the US’s SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) into the dustbin of failed legislation
saying “We have recently seen how many thousands of people are willing to
protest against rules which they see as constraining the openness and
innovation of the internet” adding “there is a strong new political voice, and as a voice for openness, I welcome
it even if I do not always agree with everything it says on every subject … we
are now likely to be in a world without SOPA and ACTA”. And In a court ruling which has significant
implications for the music industry, a Californian judge dismissed a suit
by two song publishing companies aimed at preventing Victor Willis, the former lead
singer of The Village People, from exercising his right to reclaim ownership of
YMCA and a number of other massive Village People hits which he wrote and co-wrote in
the 1970s. The right to reclaim arose when the Copyright Act amendments went
into effect in 1978 and it meant that songwriters could terminate copyright
grants to publishers and record labels 35 years later. Also in the USA, the US
Supreme Court refused to hear the Joel
Tenenbaum case on appeal (in a case brought by the Recording Industry Association Of
America) which resulted in a win for the RIAA and damages of $675,000 awarded
by the jury for illegally sharing 30 songs online. In the yo-yo world of US copyright infringement damages in this and the Jamie Thomas-Rasset case, the damages were then
reduced 90% by the trial judge Nancy Gertner on constitutional grounds, but the
appeals court subsequently criticised the judge's process, and reinstated the
$675,000 damages sum. And Clear Channel, the biggest radio company in the US with 850
stations, entered into a landmark agreement with country music label Big
Machine which will see the broadcaster pay a royalty for the use of sound
recordings on it's terrestrial radio channels for the first time.

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Am I legal? |
In July the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European
Union in Case C-128/11 UsedSoft GmbH v Oracle International Corp was given, holding
that "An author of software cannot oppose the resale of his ‘used’
licences allowing the use of his programs downloaded from the internet. The European
Parliament voted against the much maligned Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement.
And they voted against it in some numbers with just 39 in favour, 165 abstained
and 478 were against - interesting as you will remember that all but 5 of the
EU's 27 member states have already signed up to the Treaty. In New Zealand statistics from the Federation Against Copyright Theft (FACT) claimed that since New Zealand's "Skynet
Act" three-strike law was implemented in September 2011, the number of
illegally viewed films in the top 200 online has dropped from 110,000 to
50,000, i.e. by just over 50%. And in the UK Richard Hooper published his final report on
the creation of a UK based Digital Copyright Exchange. The report, "Copyright
Works: streamlining copyright licensing
for the digital age" set out four main recommendations under the remit of
setting up a not for profit industry led and industry funded Digital Copyright Exchange and the "Copyright Hub".
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ivi - I am not a cable network |
In August the US
based television streaming service ivi suffered a major setback after
the federal appeals court upheld a lower court’s temporary injunction against
the controversial company in a case brought by ABC, NBC, Universal, Univision,
Fox Television, CBS and several other broadcasters, asserting that the startup
was infringing their copyrights by live-streaming their programming without
permission. The US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit said that allowing
ivi to resume service could “threaten to destabilize the entire industry” and
inflict irreparable damage on the networks.
It also determined that ivi was not legally the same as a cable network,
noting in particular that it “retransmits broadcast signals nationwide, rather
than to specific local areas". Also in the US, Federal authorities seized three domains which they believed were
involved in the illegal distribution of pirated Android apps. In Germany the Federal Court of Justice, the
Bundesgerichtshof, held that internet service providers (ISPs) must disclose
the name and address of illegal file sharers when requested by copyright owners.
In the UK Anton Vickerman, the owner of TV streaming links site SurfTheChannel,
was sentenced to four years custody at Newcastle Crown Court after being found guilty of conspiracy to
defraud for “facilitating” copyright infringement under the Criminal Justice
Act. China released a second draft revision of its Copyright Law
for public comment, dropping the controversial Article 46 that raised an outcry
from Chinese musicians. In India the Madras High Court passed an interim order prohibiting a dozen
ISPs and one named individual from uploading the Tamil film
"Mirattal" or any portion of it to the Internet. The order also
prohibited facilitating downloads of the film. In addition, the Court granted
five "John Doe" orders imposing the same restrictions on persons
whose identity was not known at the time that the order was granted. And Google
said it had taken significant step against online piracy after saying it would
alter its search algorithms to favour websites that offered legitimate
copyrighted movies, music and television. Google said that it's algorithms would now take into account the number of valid copyright removal
notices sites have received and sites
with multiple, valid complaints about copyright infringement may appear lower
in Google search results.
So, September! Time for Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the
European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda, to give a speech
entitled "Copyright and innovation in the Creative Industries" addressing why, in
a changing digital age, copyright reform is the right way to support the
creative sector. She began by saying
that the debate on copyright often involves extreme positions, rigid views, and
emotive arguments but that a pragmatic rather than philosophical approach is
necessary and commenting that "In 1998, Mark Zuckerberg was 14. Today,
almost one billion people around the world actively use Facebook, to share
photos, videos, and ideas" pointed out that the world is changing rapidly
and that the internet had opened that the creative space up to individuals who
can publish their books, blogs, songs and art easily and globally. Staying with Europe, the proposal for a directive on certain permitted uses of orphan works
was approved by the European Parliament who voted in favour of the proposed
directive by 531 votes to 11, with 65 abstentions. Bruce Willis was said to be considering legal action against
technology giant Apple over his desire to leave his digital music collection to
his daughters having discovered that, like anyone who has bought music online,
he did not actually own the tracks but is instead was ‘borrowing’ them under a licence. The story was
probably a hoax, but made for a great debate! And Simon Clark's guest blog in the 1709 caused quite a stir. 'Why the Meltwater case won't break the internet' provoked widespread comment and indeed a response here , all debating whether Meltwater was a fair and reasonable victory for rights owners - or a chilling clamp down on the freedom to link and browse online.
And what of October I hear you ask? Well my fellow bloggers
were busy again. The month started with the news that illegal downloaders in
Japan now face prison terms of up to two years and fines of nearly 2 million
yen (U.S. $25,679 or £15,900) from today. The Japanese government said that the
move was aimed to protect the film industry and stop falling music sales in the
World's second largest music market, where record industry officials estimate
only one in 10 downloads are legally purchased. The Recording Industry
Association of Japan says the legal download music market shrank 16% in 2011,
the second consecutive year of decline. The slide comes despite global sales of
digital music increasing 8% last year to $5.2 billion. In Europe, Eleonora reported that the Orphan Works Directive, which has long
been in the pipeline, was finally been adopted by the Council. The Council's
approval marks the final step in the legislative procedure meaning that the
Directive will formally enter into force and Member States will then have two
years to transpose it into national law. And Google hit the news , firstly
after the search behemoth sent a dramatic letter to several French ministerial
offices, threatening to exclude French media sites from search results if
France goes ahead with plans to make search engines pay for content (after a
number of leading French newspaper
publishers had called on President Hollande's government to adopt a law to
force internet search engines such as Google to pay for content )and in other
aggregator v publisher battle, 154 members of the Brazilian National
Association of Newspapers (ANJ) opted out of the Google News service.
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Frog Wars - Disney v Brightspark |
It’s December – its nearly Christmas, but no time for turkey
and Christmas pud yet. The Pirate Party in the UK disabled it's proxy - which provided access to The Pirate Bay, following a legal challenge from UK record labels trade body the BPI. Iona let us know that the Canadian Supreme Court had decided in Cogeco Cable Inc, et al v. Bell Media Inc et al that Canada's broadcast regulator does not have the authority to impose a "value for signal" plan under which television broadcasters would charge cable and satellite firms for retransmission of their content. This seems to be the opposite to what has been decided in Europe - in Airfield the CJEU found that satellite package providers who retransmit content give access to a "new public" and must therefore get authorisation to retransmit the work. The new Spanish copying levy was passed into law. Eleonora reported that the EU Commission held an orientation debate on content in
the Digital Economy to address "whether the copyright framework remains fit for purpose in
the digital context". In the UK in the aftermath of the Hargreaves Review, a
group of creators and copyright owners urged the UK government to reconsider
impending changes to copyright law which they say would seriously restrict the
ability of British creators and copyright holders to license and earn revenue
from their rights - by widening and redefining exceptions to copyright
infringement - perhaps to something more akin to the US 'Fair Use' doctrines. The press release pre-empted the Government's Modernising copyright, a modern, robust and flexible framework which detailed planned revisions to 'fair dealing'. The Business Secretary Vince Cable outlined his plans to have a dedicated team at the City of London police force to tackle IP crimes And three EC commissioners, Michel Barnier (Internal Market and Services), Androulla Vassilliou (Education, Culture, Youth) and another mention for Neelie Kroes (Digital Agenda), jointly issued a press release which detailed the four issues they thought should be addressed by "stakeholder dialogue" for copyright reform - cross border access and portability of services to promote multi territory access, user generated content and licensing of small scale users, efficient solutions for text and data mining, and commercial and non commercial uses in the audio-visual sector. And finally, It didn't take Facebook long to backtrack over it's controversial policy changes that it intended to make regarding photo-sharing app Instagram. In a move that reminded me of Myspace's ill advised policy of trying to "own" it's own users' music, Facebook said that user's photos would be owned and could be potentially exploited (in perpetuity) by the web giant without notification or payment,effectively transforming the Web site into the world's largest stock photo agency. Cue the angry backlash, an apology and the terms were swiftly reverted to their 2010 format, but the damage from this and from earlier "user hostile" changes to privacy settings, was done. So as 2012 ends, do we see the beginning of the end of Facebook?
Let's hope 2013 proves just as interesting!
Last year's review here
Many thanks Ben for the thorough review of the copyright year. May I add a footnote in the form of a posting on Techdirt which describes a truly bizarre set of decisions in the German courts which seem to have utterly confused the law on music sampling there: Techdirt.
In Canada, we had immensely important amendments to the Copyright Act, which, among many other things, added ““education, parody or satire” to fair dealing. We also had five fantastic Supreme Court decisions (on the same day, no less!) that will cut back on double-dipping and greed on the part of collectives, promote technological neutrality, and ensure that fair dealing will flourish.
In fact, it looks as if the UK is falling all over itself to play catch-up with Canada on at least some of these issues. That’s OK. We won’t threaten to disallow your legislation, as you once did ours.
You needn’t all but ignore Canada just because we are a former colony and no longer bring our appeals to your Privy Council. Your Queen is our Queen. Long may she reign:
Thanks Andy - I have read and re-read that article - and like you, I am not sure it makes much sense, to me anyway - and I am actually interested in this area!
And Pouting Poutine Person, apart from the fact you should get a prize for the BEST BLOG NAME ever, I should (of course) have referred to those five decisions - our guest blogger Lorraine Fleck (Hoffer Adler LLP, Toronto)covered them all in some detail back in July and like much of Canada (except tar oil sands extraction) I found them inspiring! Just as we here in the UK now find your legislation hehe! "Fleck's Five" can all be found on the 1709 Blog starting with No 1 here - looking at free music previews - http://the1709blog.blogspot.co.uk/2012/07/flecks-five-scc-ruling-number-1-free.html
Dear Pouting Poutine Person,
I agree with Ben that you have the best blog name ever! It certainly is a poutine day in Montreal today!
I have written an article comparing the 5 Canadian Supreme Court copyright decisions to UK/EU law. It was published in JIPLP today and you can read it here if you are interested:
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