The EU yesterday launched
eYouGuide, a new consumer guide to online rights. It explains differences between member states - and the UK's private copying rules are singled out: "In the majority of EU countries, you can copy your media file for your own private use, for non-commercial purposes. The number of copies you can make might be limited. The rules differ from country to country. In some EU countries, namely the UK and Ireland, you are not allowed to make a copy of a copyrighted file for private use." More information on ars technica
Also yesterday the EU voted to leave the decision to cut off internet access to courts (previously discussed
here). IpTegrity provides details of this latest reversal for the Telecoms Package
I know of at least two coments on this thread - yet here they aren't. Have they been modded and if so why?
I'm baffled by this. All serious comments are automatically approved -- and I certainly haven't knowingly blocked any. Some people have tried posting comments as Google Group circulars. I've only blocked one of those, and I posted it as a comment instead.
Can you ask the earlier commenters to re-comment, and if the comments aren't speedily posted they should email me at jjip@btinternet.com and I'll see what I can do.
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