Monday 25 May 2009

Recent publications

The May 2009 issue of Copyright World, published ten times a year by Informa Law, leads with "Parody defence proves successful for Fox Film", an analysis by Cydney A. Tune and Jenna F. Leavitt (Pillsbury Winthrop Pittman LLP) of the decision of the SDNY Federal Court that the song "I need a Jew", which featured in the US Family Guy TV show, was a parody of "When you wish upon a star". Other articles include "Digital rights management: past, present and future" by Davenport Lyons' Nigel Davies and Paul Chamberlain, and an update on implementation of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive within the European Union by Steve Holmes, Ben Allgrove and Simon Sellars (Baker & McKenzie).  Copyright World's home page is here.

Just published this week is issue three of the six-times-a-year European Copyright and Design Reports, from Sweet & Maxwell. This issue gives a full English language translation of SONOFON A/S v IFPI Danmark, a Danish High Court ruling that an internet service provider must block access to specific websites that hold copyright-infringing material, since to do otherwise would be to make copyright material available without authorisation. This issue also reports Virgin Atlantic Airways Ltd v Premium Aircraft Interiors Group, a decision on unregistered design right in flat-bed airliner seats from England and Wales.

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