Sunday 19 February 2012

More seminar news: Global Copyright Thinkers

Baker & McKenzie has organised a series of lectures around the world which it has dubbed the Global Copyright Thinker series. A number of high-profile speakers have agreed to take up the challenge to talk about "The Future of Copyright" and, while the London event on 27 February (starring Sir Robin Jacob) has already sold out, there are still a few places left in Brussels, New York, Hong Kong and Sydney:

Brussels: 29 February (Conrad Hotel)
- Maria Martin-Prat, Copyright Head of Unit, Internal Market DG
- Ted Shapiro, Motion Picture Association
- Peter Leathem, PPL
- Kaisa Olkkonen, Nokia
- Krzyzstof Kuik, Media Head of Unit, Competition Directorate-General
- Sophie Scrive, European Newspaper Publishers’ Association

Hong Kong: 5 March (B&M Hong Kong)
- The Honourable Mr. Justice Rogers, former VP of the HK Court of Appeals

New York: 6 March (Harvard Club)
- William Patry, Senior Copyright Counsel, Google

In addition, events in Sydney (14 March) and Warsaw (29 March) are also scheduled -- details to be confirmed.

If you are interested in attending and of the events, please email Cristina Akot at

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