Sunday 19 February 2012

Red Bus and "Fix it" seminars

Queuing up for the
Red Bus seminar
This coming Tuesday's "Red Bus" copyright seminar is full to bursting point -- and we have a number of people on the reserve list, wondering whether they will be the happy beneficiaries of a late cancellation. If for any reason you find that you can't attend, do please email me here and let me know. Also, to confirm details, may I remind you that the seminar is hosted at the London office of Olswang LLP and runs from 5.30pm to 7.00pm, but you can register at any time from 5.00pm onwards. See you there!


The 1709 Blog's "How to Fix Copyright" breakfast seminar on Tuesday 3 April, hosted in the London office of Bird & Bird, is nearly full -- and there's a special treat for those who attend.  The publishers of William Patry's book, How to Fix Copyright, are providing copies for purchase at the knock-down price of just £11.  There are still a few spaces available. Email here, quoting the subject line "Fixit", to register.

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